Falling of your habits.
There are times when you cannot follow your daily rituals, goals, or anything which you do daily. Things can be crucial sometimes and...
Falling of your habits.
How online exams are a messed up version of testing.
Configuring the most important task.
Are breaks worth your productivity?
Why people don't overcome problems easily
Rethink about boredom.
Breaking the resistance and getting things done.
Note-Taking VS Note-Making
How to study for exams [part 3]
How to study for exams [Part 2]
The learner's strategy- how to keep learning
How to study for exams [Part 1]
Using your Phone as a productivity device.
The magic of small "Increments"
The Brain Fog
Steal like an artist
The art of being consistent
How procrastination ruined my life and how I am trying to overcome it.